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Manohardi municipality at a glance
Manohardi Municipality. Local Government is a public service autonomous body recognized by law under the Ministry of Rural Development and Cooperatives. The ‘mayor’, elected by direct popular vote, is the head of the Atrafis.


Manohardi municipality at a glance

1. Area -7.8 km

2. Number of people - 18,630

3. Male 6564

4. Women - 9156 people

5. Literacy rate - 70%

6. The number of wards is 09

7. Government primary schools - 03

8. Private primary school - 02

9. Kindergarten school - 06

10. Lower secondary schools - 01

11. Higher secondary schools - 02

12. Women's college-01

13. Degree College-01

14. Forkania Madrasa-01

15. Madrasa and Senior Madrasa-02
16. Hats, bazars - 03
17. Paved road - 19.6 km
18. Raw road - 16.60 km
19. Total cultivable land - 3.204 acres
20. Amount of land under irrigation - 1.61 acres
21. Deep tube wells - 22
22. Shallow tube wells - 141
23. Power pump - 03
24. Ponds - 6
25. Reservoirs - 5
26. Mosques - 48
27. There are 02 temples
28. Library-01
29. Dakbangla-01
30. Rivers-01
31. Tehsil office-01
32. Veterinary hospital - 01
33. Telephone Exchange Official - 01
34. Telephone Exchange Private-01
35. Poste Office-1
36. Sub-Register-01
37. Commercial Bank-
                A) Krishi Bank 1 b) Agrani Bank 01 c) Sonali Bank 01

38. Health and Family Planning Center-01
39. Upazila health centers 01
40. Upazila Dispensary-01
41. Department of Public Health-01
42. Power Distribution Centers - 01
43. Children's Park-01
44. Bus stand-01
45. Petrol pump-01
46. Gas field-01
47. Food warehouse-01
48. Rice Mill - 10

49. Community latrine-01